I was a “civil servant” for many years and as such had many contacts with politicians at local, state and federal level. The more I saw and knew the more I believed the old saying; “How do you know when a politician is lying? When their lips are moving.” In my community we had a …


There is a line in Shakespeare which reads “Gilded tombs do worms enfold.”   Many others have said this in different ways, “Appearances are deceiving,” “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” etc. And yet we all are taken in by appearances at some time. The used car that was sharp looking on the outside but …

Patriotism & its limits

I notice that my friends who are avid supporters of the military and express the attitude the military should be more active in world affairs are those who did not serve.  The friend most avid supporting war did everything he could to avoid the draft during the Viet Nam War era.  He was successful.  Another …

Poetry – a new appreciation

In high school and college I never cared much for poetry.  Now I have a greater appreciation.  It is now that I feel as well as more deeply understand Tennyson;s Ulysses.  I am inspired by, and recite the last lines to myself daily. Tho’ much is taken, much abides; and tho’ We are not now …

Advice to Grandson

It is not what people say that matters, it is what they do. When I was young  what people thought of me mattered.  Now,  what I think of them is more important to me.  


It is not how much you save but how much you pay.  To illustrate this point – I used to sell and install vinyl replacement windows.  I had a hard time selling a window for $100.00.  So I marked the window up to $200.00 and created a price list.  Then I would show the customer …


I remember reading in college that to gain power you point out all the shortcomings of your society.  Then you pick a group and blame all the problems on that group.  To achieve an utopian society we simply have to eliminate that group.  If someone points out faults in your logic, you disregard them by …


I consider myself an independent voter leaning a little left of center.  I heard a conservative radio commentator that extolled the conservative virtues.  He said we should return to the America of our conservative founding fathers.  I thought the conservatives (conserve means to preserve or save the existing structure) wanted to retain the monarchy and …


I used to think you could change a person’s opinion by exposing them to facts.  Now I think one changes facts to fit their opinion.  For example, If a person works late every night, slaves at the desk and is the last one to leave. If you like the person, you note how dedicated they …

Nature or Nurture

Why is that when people succeed they think it is because they are naturally superior but when they fail it the fault of their parents, the government, our society,  their friends, etc.?