We recently went to Niagra Falls where I read a Canadian newspaper article on racial discrimination in Washington, D.C. This followed a conversation I had with an old friend in Turkey. The friend pointed out the hypocrisy of American policy. He claimed the US reviews Turkey annually for potential human rights violations. Reading about the …

Trump & the wall

I watched Donald Trump’s statement regarding the Mexican border.  I assumed he was pandering on the basest level to get the vote of disgruntled voters.  What disturbed me was that so many people I talked with were  supportive of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. My comments follow: 1.  Considering the deficit and Republican …


A few weeks ago, I took my 8 year old grandson skating. When we neared the outdoor rink, there was a large crowd gathered and music was playing. It was the Christmas tree lighting celebration. As we proceeded to the rink, my grandson saw flashing lights and stopped. I asked him “What’s wrong??” He said …


I read the local paper and the articles lauding the upgrades to the local mall and the good news of an auto plant expansion. While the new is better than closing a mall and a plant, I wished there would be newer innovative business news. Malls are expected to suffer a 34% reduction in the …

Prejudice vs. Bias

I have heard people say “I am not prejudicial.” I say “Then you are not sane.” Prejudice and bias are often confused. We are all prejudiced. It is part of the human condition. Prejudice is “pre” judging based on our expectation. Bias is judging contrary to facts or slanting the interpretation of facts. An example: …


Since the times of ancient Egypt every religion has had a version of the golden rule Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Confucianism, Hinduism, Jainism, Humanism, Mohism, Scientology, Sikhism, etc.  all express the golden rule.  It can be traced back to Ancient Egypt and to Confucius. Why …


Recently friends and acquaintances have expressed fear of travel because of Ebola and the attack on US sailors and the death of a US tourist in Ankara. Well 1 person in the US died from Ebola and that was contracted in Africa.  Up to 40,000 people in the US die from mosquito bites annually. 1  …


My daughter Suzan is an actress, model and I-Phone photographer.  I am very proud of her work, especially her recognition and awards for photography.  Loved her pieces displayed in Berlin.  We have different styles, I am more like a realist and she the impressionist.. Her recent photography can be seen at  But I love …

TURKEY – 1968-70

Prelude: It has been almost 50 years since I served in Turkey as a guest of the U. S. Army.  I will try to relate people, places, and events as best I can recall.  The years have blurred some memories as age has taken its toll.  I will begin with my background and the events …

Escaping from the Wild Bore

Barb and I hoped for a trip to another continent.  Australia  was a bit far and Antarctica, well a bit cold so we tended to plan a trip to the jungles of Africa.  However, Ebola dampened our enthusiasm for Africa so instead we opted for the social jungle. We attended a party where all the …